April 29, 2009

Onwards by James Jarvis

Onwards from AKQA on Vimeo.

Great Animation Work by James Jarvis presented by Nike....

The Sun Will Always Shine Through The Dark

You gotta keep your head up in this world regardless of how dark it gets in life. Remember that the light will always outshine the dark, so keep on that steady pathway of life and one day that glimmer of light will turn into a sunrise. Enjoy your life, live it to the fullest don't let the stresses of life get you down. God has our lives already mapped out we just have to follow the blueprint that is left for us. I know sometimes its hard to see it but if you live the best life you can live and rely on the man upstairs the road becomes so much clearer. Everyday you wake up is just another chance to try again and follow that path he's set for you, others don't get that chance. So always remember in the words of lil wayne that the process is so much stress but it's the progress that feels the best.

April 27, 2009

Kanye West Ft. Young Jeezy - Amazing

Amazing from kwest on Vimeo.

Amazing Album Covers By Dust La Rock

I've always wondered who created the cover to kid cudi's CD a KID named CuDi and now i know check out these amazing works by Dust La Rock.

For More Click Here: http://www.dustlarock.com/

April 17, 2009


Be open minded that is one thing that I can't stress enough. Don't be afraid of new things, be open to obtaining new knowledge. When you were baby you took in knowledge from everywhere soaking it in like a sponge sub consciously, so why would you stop now. It seems like everyone has a filter for there mind. today some are so closed minded that they won't embrace new ideas and perspectives. I believe that we are supposed to continuously update ourselves with knowledge of the world, self, spirituality etc. Why should we succumb to old ways and rituals. I guess I can say this here GET WITH THE TIMES its 2009 don't be scared of change don't be scared to intake new knowledge and new ideas, we shouldn't be aliens in this world. But most importantly you cant forget about who you are when doing this. When i say update yourself i mean build onto who you are making you an all around better person. Theres no telling what kind of knowledge you are missing out on that could benefit you more then it will hurt you. But only closed mindedness will keep you from this. Lets live free with open minds and with the help of the man upstairs let your wings fly.

Living Proof Magazine

What I wouldn't do to get my hands on one of these. I can read it online but its something about actually having the publication in my hands for my own eyes to witness. To me this is like a modern day Avant Garde a publication of Art and Knowledge. And the best thing about it is it's free. Here it is in there own words.
"At Living Proof™ we like to think of ourselves as a publication rather than a magazine. We've found that while the printed word can't keep up with the computer screen and word spreads like the plague through ethernet cables, we'll still release our own version of a "magazine." Rather than just a mere trend report, we've cultivated Living Proof™ into a basic book of facts, knowledge, stories, and pretty pictures designed to easily slide between the Encyclopedia and the entire Pantone Library on a book shelf instead of winding up in the plastic casket that is a trash can. Best of all, Living Proof™ is completely free! Pick one up if you see one. It won't cost you a cent. As a small format magazine (5" x 7") we'd rather turn up on counters and window sills in art galleries, apparel boutiques, and record stores than get fondled, shuffled, clustered, lost, skipped over, and rusty while jockeying for position in the wooden deathtrap that is the magazine rack at most bookstores."
For More Click Here: http://www.livingproofmag.com/

OutKast - Git Up Git Out

Jesus Is My Homeboy By David La Chapelle

Such an ingenious piece of work, its works of art like this that makes me happy to be an aspiring artist. because i know i will to one day be able to create such innovative and inspiring pieces of work like this one day. Check out David La Chapelle's JESUS IS MY HOMEBOY for iD Magazine.
Click Here For More: http://www.davidlachapelle.com/home.html

April 15, 2009

HDR Images by Andreas Elste

I can always appreciate some good HDR images it brings out a whole nother imagery that you wouldn't imagine out of a regular photo by bringing out the lights and darken the darks in a image. Some of these images are so amazing that you don't want to know what the original looks like. check out these beautiful HDR Images by Andreas Elste aka Riot23 via deviantArt.

April 07, 2009

March 13th, 2009

I know I'm super late almost a month late but i apologize my mind is currently in the now, and sometimes you can get so caught up in the work your doing in the moment and forget about days in the past, but this day I can never forget on this day I got the chance to celebrate my born day with friends, family, and the ones who are closest to me. I appreciate the thoughtfulness of everybody who celebrated or at least had me in your thoughts to acknowledge this day as my born day.
A product of inspiration, love, and creativity.

Jean Yves "PIXXXEL" Photography